Thursday 8 January 2015

Time for a new look?

Hello darlings!

It's a new year, maybe it's time for a new skin?
Unless you're like me, who changes skin a few times a day. ;-)
In which case, you of course always need a new skin...
Anyway, if you want a new skin, for whatever reason, Genesis Creations got you covered.
At the moment, they have two different skins for free, one of them in no less than six shades!

First up is Alara in the beautiful Harvest make-up.
This is a gift for the SL Frees & Offers group.
The SL F&O group is free to join and I highly recommend it as there 
are lots of designers all over the grid giving out gifts for it.
Alara comes with appliers for Tango, PhatAzz, Slink hands and feet.
However, if you have a mesh body, don't despair, 
appliers for Omega, Slink Physique and Wowmeh are available for 25$L per shade.
UPDATE: As of jan 10th, it seems Genesis Creations have raised the praise of body appliers to 350$L per shade.

Here's a close-up on the boobs of Alara, you get the peach tone in the gift.
(Please ignore the slight size mismatch with my Slink hands, 
it's me not thinking about adjusting my shape to match the hands since I've
gone down a size to match my BANNED Dea body, which I'm not wearing here.)

A close-up on the face, don't you just love that golden make-up?
The skin comes with blonde, brown, red, black and no brow options.

This beauty is Lizette, the current group gift for the Genesis Creations group.
The group is free to join and as I said above, Lizette comes in six different shades.

A close-up on the boobs, like Alara, 
Lizette comes with appliers for Tango, PhatAzz, Slink hands and feet.
And again, appliers for bodies are 25$L/shade.

Ebony, Umber, Peach
Sorrel, Ivory, Cocoa
Here are the different skin tones available. I'm wearing brown brows in each,
but there are also red, blonde, black and no brow options. 
Also in the box is a freckles tattoo and a tintable hair base.

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