BBBF Designers

This page contains info for our BBBF designers and those who wish to apply for notice rights in the group.

Here are is the most up to date agreement:

Always remember. The name of the group is Big Boobie Babes Freebies!

That means we cater to freebies for the most part. The reason we give out notice rights is as a thank you for providing a freebie to the girls.

==Terms & Conditions==

Notices must ALWAYS include a new or recent freebie/cheapie, this should be the MAIN point in the notice. Hunt item, lucky chair, group gift. It doesn't matter how one acquires the freebie but any notices regarding new releases, events etc MUST include the freebie/cheapie. Group gifts where the join fee is over L$50 DO NOT count. The price limit is capped at L$50.

All items must be catered toward either breast add-ons or mesh bodies. While we allow the advertisement of items towards mesh butts, they are not our primary concern and as such must be accompanied by one of the aforementioned appliers.

**Sponsors are allowed to post up to L$100**


Notices must be posted no more than once per 48 hour period. The amount of designers within the group means notices can easily cap a persons IMs and get lost. Therefore, notices may only be posted a maximum of three times per week.


Clothing using templates must be significantly altered. Templates should not be sold as is. This is to make a marked improvement in the quality of stores we have in the group.


Caps lock in notices is not allowed. Any more than one or two words capitalised for emphasis is forbidden. It looks bad, it annoys people and it's just downright irritating.


All stores must display our group joiner. It helps spread the word and it's of great benefit to us, the customers who may not know of us and you, the store owner. Don't have one? Please contact a member of staff and they will send you one. Please note we DO check this periodically.


Bots are not authorised within the group. The only bots allowed are those operated by the management to help in day to day activities. Anyone caught using a bot to send notices will be removed immediately.


Group chat:

The copying of notices in to chat is not allowed. Most viewers now will do that automatically. Anyone engaging in this will be considered as having posted two notices in succession.

The rule on caps lock carries over to group chat. Caps lock is considered to be the internet equivalent of shouting. 

Only freebies and items under 50L are to be posted as an advertisement in chat. NO full priced items. Discussion of full price body parts is allowed and encouraged, especially in order to help new people to the world of body augmentation. Please do not spam chat. We can't possibly cover everything in a rule about this. You all know what spamming looks it, please do not do it. Remember chat is monitored 24 hours a day 7 days a week and the moderators decision is final.

Links to blogs are only allowed to be posted in CHAT by group moderators. Have a blog you think is relevant? Send it to one of the team and they'll check it out.
Official hunt blogs & store blogs ARE allowed within notices but only if relevant to that notice.


Finally, we now operate a three strike policy for violation of these rules. First offence will result in a warning. A second strike will result in removal of notice rights and a third strike will result in being banned (not just ejected) from the group.

The one exception to the three strike policy is abuse of/rudeness towards BBBF staff members. All staff are voluntary, and this will not be tolerated. Do this and you will be removed from the group by either Tara, Nico or Trin and you will NOT be allowed back.

Thanks for your support
Big Boobie Babes Freebies team!

Questions about this agreement may be directed to Tara Asamoah, MrNicholai Resident or Trin1 Resident

If you would like to apply for notice rights in the group:

What is Big Boobies Babes Freebies?  It's a large group, 6000+ strong,  that helps each other find free to 50L Prim/Mesh Breast Friendly items that have all sorts of appliers.  The blog has loads of information on it to help new boobie babes get set up and ready.  Along with more important information.

Interested in being part of the Big Boobie Babes Freebie Family?  Please take the time to read the entire notecard below.  Once you have please fill out this form and send it back to Mrnicholai Resident .  Once they receives your notecard they will contact you, and set you up with a designer box.

**Please join group before sending notecard.**

Don't forget to add your name & store name to the title BEFORE you send it, otherwise it will be lost in the depths of hell called my inventory.

**Must be your own work.  NO Business In A Box.**

Your Name: 
(Not screen name)􀀁

Store Name: 

Store LM/SLURL: 

What's your product?: 

Provide 2 Examples Of The Product You Sell (photos):

Are you willing to put a freebie up @ the Headquarters?:

Did you read and understand the rules?:

Would you be interested in link exchange of blogs?:

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