BBBF Are Anti Theft


Today has been a very sad one, waking up to ims of reports of the OWNER of a Group for tango clothing finds has been helping promote creators of Tango appliers for Tattoos and Skins Other than the Products original creators

there are a small collection of people in SL who advertise this service through group chat or notecarding the bigger boobie groups offering a Skin/tattoo applier service.

These people tp you to a sand box or a piece of land ask you to remove your top and anything on your skin and take a "snap shot" of your breasts and make an applier from it. you simply cannot make a good quality applier this way, what they are actually doing is taking the texture of your skin and using it on the applier! this is content theft!

We have had such advertising in our group, the perpetrator was ejected and reported each and every time, while in this other group the owner was sending girls to these people promoting this theft!
A number of designers left that group over it last night since he did not support them when it was argued about in the group chat!

Its a sad day in Sl when a popular boobie group owner promotes such a thing and we at Big Boobie Babes won't have it!

We urge each and every boobie babes to grab a shirt and show you won't have it ether, show your support of our hard working designers and wear a shirt, take a picture post it up in the big boobie babes flicker.. give it to me in world and il put it up at HQ ! Stand up against this crap!


Tshirts are free and come in 3 colours, Pink, Black and White, Tango and lolas 2.5 appliers included so most babes can wear it
Get it in the Big Boobie Babes notices or from HQ!

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