Tuesday 30 September 2014

Are you ready for Halloween?

Hello darlings!

I've been away in the magical land of RL for a few days.
I hope you didn't miss me too much. ;-)

Halloween always seems to be the most popular holiday in all of SL.
Creators starts making Halloween outfits months in advance, 
and decorations are usually up by the latest mid September.

This sexy outfit from Beautiful Dirty Rich is perfect for any Halloween-party.
It's called Hunting Souls, and I definitely felt like a succubus wearing it.

It comes in two versions, one with high-waist pants and a solid top, the other with regular 
pants and a lacy top. There's a mask included in version 1, but the mask has its own
HUD and comes in four different versions, so I ended up using it for all pics.

There are more appliers than you can shake a stick at in this box.
First, there's a multi-hud, which is divided into boobs and butts, makes things very smooth.
In the multi-hud: Tango, BBusty, Lush, Puffy, Evo, Sinful Needs, Phat Azz, 
Brazilia, BANNED, Ghetto Booty, Perfect Bum, Wideloads
Then there's also separate HUDs for Omega, Slink Hands/feet/Physique and WowMeh.

Monday 29 September 2014

Going Bust @ Cleavage!

Hello Lovelies,

It's time for another round of  everyone's favourite sidewalk sale......Going Bust @ Cleavage. Everything in the sale is massively reduced so there are plenty of bargains to be had. Here are the items that fall into our L$50 and under category:

PB Designs

.::Pink Sugah::.

The event started yesterday and runs for 2 weeks, if you want to see piccies of all the bargains to be had there please take a look at the Cleavage website.

While you are over there don't forget that the Nerd 80085 hunt is still going strong if you didn't already grab those sexy nerdy prizes!

Happy Shopping

Tuesday 23 September 2014

A hundred deals and more

Hello darlings!

Remember how I told you about the Wash cart sale yesterday?
So today I wanted to show you my finds from the 1Hundred cart.
As I said before, nothing at the cart sale is above 10$L, so everything below was just that.

Crotchet top in Fuchsia with tango appliers.

And a close-up on the Crotchet top, this time in lime.

This outfit is called Jane Mini, more of a bodysuit than a dress. 
Appliers: Tango, Phat Azz

Little Lace Dress in pink, again, feels more like a bodysuit.
Appliers: Tango, Phat Azz

Feel your boobs!

Hello darlings!

Today I have a nice one that also carries a very important message.
Please remember girls, it's never to soon to start checking your boobs.
Know your body, it always pays out. Here's a great guide for just how to do it.

This baseball tee with Tango appliers is from Laney's 
and it's free at their cart at The Wash biannual cart sale.
If you haven't visited the Wash cart sale, you should definitely go. 
Nothing is over 10$L and there are a lot of really great designers represented.
The cart sale lasts until Oct 8th, so you have plenty of time to see it all.

Happy birthday TARA!! And a sale!

Hello darlings!

I've been really busy in RL lately, so not much blogging unfortunately.
And I have to admit it will probably continue like this for a week or two, 
before things go back to normal.
I will try to show you some sweet freebies and deals in between though.

Today (cause it's past midnight for me) on September 23rd, our own lovely 
Big Boobie mommah (/me hides before Tara reads this) Tara Asamoah has her real life birthday. 

And to celebrate this, she's having a 
10 of her favourite items are marked down to 25$L, but you have to find out which!
So run down to Pink Sugah and starting checking those vendors, because the sale ends 
when Tara's birthday ends. And remember, she's British, so that's eight hours ahead of SLT.

While you're at Pink Sugah, don't miss this lovely little hunt gift.
The Splash of Color hunt has formally ended, but Tara has left the gift out. It's totally free.
Since the hunt is over, I'll give you a little hint of my own: It's the most precious metal
Appliers: Tango, WowMeh

Ok, over and out, this blogger needs sleeeep...

Saturday 20 September 2014

BBBF Prezzie @Purple Candy

Wear your Big Boobie Babes Freebies Group Tag to grab this beautiful gown called Eminent at the Purple Candy Boutique

Appliers: Tango, Lush, 9s, Brazilia Butt, Banned, Ghetto, Cute/Phat Azz, Brazilia Doll, Wowmeh

~ There's more prezzies to grab there, too and slap the MM and get lucky on the Letter Chairs and say hi to Candy's Kitties ~


Friday 19 September 2014

Nerd 80085 Hunt @Cleavage!

From September 12th to October 3rd, Cleavage is hosting Nerd 80085 Hunt, a 1L hunt with a bimbo-nerd theme. Think glasses, pocket protectors, school uniforms, braces; all with a bit of a barbie twist! Join the in-world I <3 Cleavage group for help with the hunt: secondlife:///app/group/be04c6d3-fe39-c2b0-3c3f-196d4a8234a7/about
You’ll be looking for the Boobs Calculator hunt item, pictured here: 

GENERAL HINT: The hunt items are NOT located in the stores, they are scattered around the sim so take your time, look around and see what other hidden gems you’ll find like a cozy cafe or secluded wooded area to hang out in.

TP to Cleavage now and get hunting! And now on to your visual aids and crib notes!
1) sexZ

Hint: If you want to keep your mind sharp, make sure you get a full 8 hrs sleep every night.

2) 7 Deadly Skins
Hint: Using public transportation is a total no-brainer.

3) Pink Sugah
Hint: Sitting at the bus stop and bored? A quick game of sudoku should help.

4) Anymore Store
Hint: Recycle what you can but some things just have to go in the trash.

5) Bad Apple Designs
Hint: There’s no better place to contemplate string theory than sitting on a bench by a tree.

6) Barely Legal Couture (COMING SOON – skip for now)
Hint: Reduce your carbon emissions; ride a bike!

7) Bitch & Chick
Hint: I just love how the sunlight refracts in the water from that fountain.

8) Bombshell
Hint: Smile for the camera and show us those braces!

9) Butterfly Effects Designs
Hint: Did you know that caffeine is a stimulant, huh? huh? huh? huh?

10) Ellemeno
Hint: Firehose puns are predictably phallic…. and hilarious.

11) F’n’Hawt
Hint: I think the newest issue of Nerds Weekly is out. Better pick up a copy quick before it sells out!

12) SKIP

13) Gatherings Designs
Hint: Don’t be a dummy and park in front of the fire hydrant. Fire safety is important!

14) Jelly
Hint: ET phoned home… and so should you!

15) Perch
Hint: Take a nature walk out of the city centre and grab some treats at the Garden Cafe!

16) TRS
Hint: The loch ness monster is just a legend… or is it?

Top & Shorts & Shoes and Skin!

DaNa Outfit with Slink High Feet Shoes by Go*DiVa SL F&O Gift
*Appliers for Tango, Phat Azz & Ghetto Booty*

Dita Umber Tone Skin by Genesis Creations SL F&O Gift
*Appliers for Tango, Phat Azz, Slink Hands & Feet*

Includes facial freckles tattoo option and light or dark brows (dark shown here)
