Wednesday 2 April 2014

BBBF HQ, donations and stuffs

Hello Lovelies,

I have sent over some more of your generous donations to Luna today to help her with the expenses of allowing us to use her land for her HQ. Here are the transaction details:

04/02/201402:09:0637e046e8Destination: LunaNocturnal 
Region: Apocalypsis 
Description: BBBF HQ 

Wondering what these donations are getting you? Well, at Xana's last post about the HQ there were 22, yes that's right 22!!!!! exclusive gifts for BBBF members at our HQ. Take a look at her post here for pictures.

We rely totally on the generosity of our designers, Luna and group members to keep this HQ going for everyone. All donations are welcome no matter how small they all help immensely. Just think of it this way, if you go to the HQ and grab 22 new outfits and drop L$200 in the cupcake, that works out at less that L$10 each outfit including appliers...........where else can you get value like that.

As a token of our appreciation to Luna I have offered to spread the word about her commercial rentals. If you are looking for somewhere to rent, either for your mainstore or to expand your empire :P IM LunaNocturnal Resident for more details. I've just taken one, so make sure you hurry so you don't miss out!!!

A huuuuugeeee thank you to all the designers who have gifties up at the HQ, and I know there are more to come as some amazing designers have contacted me to ask for more details about placing one there. So keep popping in to make sure you have them all. 

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to keep the HQ running!!!


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