Tons of goodies to be had here and all in one sim!
Alice in Boobie Land!
Held on the Katnips in Wonderland Sim/mall
this is what you are looking for
its a playing card, you will find them hidden around the sim, Most in the middle but theres a few in the stores and on the carts too i noticed to look hard and look well!
Every item is 5L
1. ModaMia -Verified-
~Not on the ground, but not to far from were all my items are!~

2. pure Perfection -Verified-
~Three lilies going round and round you can turn the water on and off or sit on the ground~

3. OhLaLa -Verified-
~That tree has a dream this way and that way !!~
4. Souled Out -Verified-
~What time is it, I'm late!~
5. Capacious -Verified-
~The Cheshire cat has been spotted at Capacious~
6. Damned Dolls
7. Dazed Dezinez -Verified-
~You swing me right round~
8. Deluxe Body Factory -Verified-
~Colorful is not to be eaten~
9. [trs] -Verified-
~Ask the bluebird maybe he will know the way~
10. Almost Wonderland -Verified-
~I've always had a heart for tea.~
11. The Elegant Goth -Verified-
~Splash a little water on your face to clear your view.~
12. Barely Legal
~ Alice: Madness Returns~
13. Sugar & Cyanide -Verified-
~Spot of Tea?~
14. Toxic High -Verified-
~I'm at a rose tree, has nice red and white roses. What rose tree am I at o.0~
15. Loordes of London -Verified-
~by the bargain~
16. Mmm...Kay! -Verified- NOT FOR SALE YET
~Better check for dust!~
17. Blink2Wink -Verified-
~ A Mouse, A Rabbit, A Cat, A Hatter, but no Skeleton?~
18. Wicked Sin Creations
19. Forbidden Closet Designs
~I am the crown jewel~
20. Newtique -Verified-
~Tip me up and poor me out!!!~
21. Fashion Krush -Verified-
~Join the Tea Party~
22. Sacred Dreams -Verified-
~Your Royal Throne Awaits~

24. EBMod -Verified-
~The answers are always between the pages.~
25. Czarny Kanarek
~Guarded by the giant red queen~
26. Pink Sugah -Verified-
~Aces Will never be high~
27. blah.Blah.blah -Verified-
Books, rabbits, bottles and hats, Im placed by a good tip at that!
~Look up high in my stall~
29. Deviant Soul -Verified-
~Lost? Look Where Up is Down & Down is Up~
30. Pink Acid ~Verified~

31. .::[HtxDZ]::.
~I'm sooo tired, I take a nap here....~

34. Anymore* -Verified-
~uffff ...... read read~
35. Fulana'S Store -Verified-
~It's Tea Time~
36. Luckie -Verified-
~I feel like I'm on "TOP" of the world up here.~
37. AVD -Verified- NOT FOR SALE YET
~Guarded by the red queens light~
39. Sensual couture -Verified-
~I'm sooo tired, I take a nap here....~
40. Hard Candy -Verified-
~ Follow the path of crystals shining and in the end you may find me blue and crying~
41. Knockers -Verified- NOT FOR SALE YET
~Alice Swings Between the Mushrooms~
42. Rachel Swallows Creations -Verified-
~Drunken Bishop~
43. :EZ'S: -Verified-
~Somewhere in wonderland rests an elder tree tired & low, there lies treasures inside his curious purple glow~
44. Pixy Stix -Verified-
~In my world, the books would be nothing but pictures. ~
45. Sonsy -Verified-
~behind the tick tock~
46. Seven Deadly Skins
~It all started here....~ -Verified-
47. Imajicas G-Spot -Verified- NOT FOR SALE YET
~I wanna get High.. so High!!~
(This is a gesture no picture)
48. D&G Fashions -Verified-
~Such a good story!~
Every ... well most things have a tango applier included if not more, usually we would no feature the boots and other items not worn on your boobs but i figured why not for this one
I will be doing item photos over the weekend too so keep an eye open for updates!
Happy Hunting
Held on the Katnips in Wonderland Sim/mall
this is what you are looking for
its a playing card, you will find them hidden around the sim, Most in the middle but theres a few in the stores and on the carts too i noticed to look hard and look well!
Every item is 5L
1. ModaMia -Verified-
~Not on the ground, but not to far from were all my items are!~

2. pure Perfection -Verified-
~Three lilies going round and round you can turn the water on and off or sit on the ground~

3. OhLaLa -Verified-
~That tree has a dream this way and that way !!~
4. Souled Out -Verified-
~What time is it, I'm late!~
5. Capacious -Verified-
~The Cheshire cat has been spotted at Capacious~
6. Damned Dolls
7. Dazed Dezinez -Verified-
~You swing me right round~
8. Deluxe Body Factory -Verified-
~Colorful is not to be eaten~
9. [trs] -Verified-
~Ask the bluebird maybe he will know the way~
10. Almost Wonderland -Verified-
~I've always had a heart for tea.~
11. The Elegant Goth -Verified-
~Splash a little water on your face to clear your view.~
12. Barely Legal
~ Alice: Madness Returns~
13. Sugar & Cyanide -Verified-
~Spot of Tea?~
14. Toxic High -Verified-
~I'm at a rose tree, has nice red and white roses. What rose tree am I at o.0~
15. Loordes of London -Verified-
~by the bargain~
16. Mmm...Kay! -Verified- NOT FOR SALE YET
~Better check for dust!~
17. Blink2Wink -Verified-
~ A Mouse, A Rabbit, A Cat, A Hatter, but no Skeleton?~
18. Wicked Sin Creations
~I am the crown jewel~
20. Newtique -Verified-
~Tip me up and poor me out!!!~
21. Fashion Krush -Verified-
~Join the Tea Party~
~Your Royal Throne Awaits~

23. Niekras Dreams -Verified-
~I'm late I'm late to a very important date~~The answers are always between the pages.~
~Guarded by the giant red queen~
26. Pink Sugah -Verified-
~Aces Will never be high~
27. blah.Blah.blah -Verified-
Books, rabbits, bottles and hats, Im placed by a good tip at that!
~Look up high in my stall~
29. Deviant Soul -Verified-
~Lost? Look Where Up is Down & Down is Up~
30. Pink Acid ~Verified~

Also in blue
~I'm sooo tired, I take a nap here....~
32. TaTToo PaRaDiSe -Verified-
~I hid under an open book...~
~I hid under an open book...~

33. Tit's up
~Kitties gotta stick Together~34. Anymore* -Verified-
~uffff ...... read read~
~It's Tea Time~
~I feel like I'm on "TOP" of the world up here.~
37. AVD -Verified- NOT FOR SALE YET
~Guarded by the red queens light~
39. Sensual couture -Verified-
~I'm sooo tired, I take a nap here....~
~ Follow the path of crystals shining and in the end you may find me blue and crying~
41. Knockers -Verified- NOT FOR SALE YET
~Alice Swings Between the Mushrooms~
~Drunken Bishop~
~Somewhere in wonderland rests an elder tree tired & low, there lies treasures inside his curious purple glow~
~In my world, the books would be nothing but pictures. ~
~behind the tick tock~
~It all started here....~ -Verified-
~I wanna get High.. so High!!~
(This is a gesture no picture)
48. D&G Fashions -Verified-
~Such a good story!~
Every ... well most things have a tango applier included if not more, usually we would no feature the boots and other items not worn on your boobs but i figured why not for this one
I will be doing item photos over the weekend too so keep an eye open for updates!
Happy Hunting
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