Saturday, 5 January 2013

Fantastic news From Lush Boobs

Ok ladies, this is the kinda development i know a lot of you have been itching to see.. 

Lush breasts, now support the Tango Dress top applier!
what does that mean? 

Simply put, anything you can wear on your tangos you can now wear on your Lush boobs too 
it opens you up to a whole world of fantastic designers and outfits such fabulous choice!
and with the Different shape and scripting of the Lush we finally have a real competitor to Tango!

Did I mentionlush are also only 1050L a pair? thats a saving of 700L over Tangos think of the extra clothes you can buy

now for the slightly disappointing bit .. 
Tango Skin appliers do not work with Lush... Yet
It would make sense for Riann to be working on that right now so fingers crossed thats whats commig next update

We will keep you posted!

Watch This Space!

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