Sunday, 13 January 2013

Pixie Stix! Thier Mostly Harmless!

theres so much freeness at this store il have to do a separate post in a few days too but for now il show you a few choice bits!

ok so theres 2 lucky chairs, a riot vend, 2 midnight manias and a mini mania here all of them full of tango friendly goodies!

2 of the tops in the chairs, you can also find a bunch more
theres a couple of really fun ones
theres also some fab skins in there too!
yes SKINS in the chairs
Also SKINS in the midnight Mania too!
you have to check them out, they are all tango friendly! 

This sexy dress comes with 3 top options and its totally free on the desk as you walk in!

I'l have a friend pose with some of the skins in a few days but don't wait, get off your butt and go see them !

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